Friday, March 4, 2011

Out in the cold!

Well, here we are in Calgary, and it has been a baptism of ice, not fire! It was so cold when we arrived here, the wind chill factor took the temperature to -35'C, and the cargo doors of the plane were frozen shut, so they had to heat the plane with steam before they could remove the luggage!  It was really strange to leave London at 1:30pm on Monday afternoon and arrive in Calgary at 3:30pm - after travelling for nine hours!! It has taken the body clock a few days to re-oreintate, and now we are ready to brave the big freeze. Jane has managed to borrow suitable coats for us, and we set off on our first trip feeling like stuffed toys - after five minutes outdoors we no longer minded looking decidedly strange, and were really grateful for the layers of clothing and the unusual headgear! Although it is very cold outdoors, all indoor areas are well heated, so it is easy to forget that it is midwinter.  The snow is really beautiful, and I feel like a child - so excited to see the snowflakes falling.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Penny

Het nou kans gehad om behoorlik te lees en watter wonderlike ondervinding is dit nie vir julle nie!Dis lekker om te sien dat julle so rasend gelukkig en ontspanne is! Ek's so bly vir julle dat alles tot dusver net goed uitgewerk het, na so baie hartseer en probleme met jou pensioen. Die feit dat alles so goed gaan, is mos net 'n duidelike bewys dat dit tyd was om af te tree en dat jy die regte besluit op die regte tyd geneem het.Jou foto's is so mooi en ek het sommer lekker saam gereis!Jou seun sal seker bly wees oor al die bronsstandbeelde!Gaan hy by Jane se troue wees - ek hoop so!Geniet al die nuwe ondervindings en nou is die min dae voor die troue. Ons wil baie foto's sien, asb!Lfde Erna xx