Monday, July 25, 2011

Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls.
Our intention was simply to overnight in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but we discovered to our surprise that there is a fair amount to do in this mid-western city, so we decided to spend a few nights. There was a thunderstorm of note during the night, and the damp, steamy morning was not conducive to touristy activities, so we caught up with laundry and set out after lunch to find the free trolley bus in town that takes folk around the down town area past all the major tourist sites.
  The trolley runs down the main street, and the first thing we noticed were the sculptures that lined the street
  the local artists each place a sculpture on a designated corner, and it stays there for a year, while members of the public vote for their favourite
 which is then purchased by the town management and placed on permanent exhibition in the park at the waterfalls that give the town its name.
 We really enjoyed our trolley ride as there are many lovely old buildings in the town, made from the rock that was originally quarried near the river.
 The Falls, though not very high, are beautiful, tumbling down several cataracts before flowing away, and the water was at record level thanks to the heavy rains of the previous evening,
 so we spent several happy hours wandering around with our cameras, taking photos and chatting to friendly folk, before boarding the trolley back into town.

That evening we arrived back at camp hot, sticky and exhausted, but discovered, somewhat to our surprise, that despite that, we had thoroughly enjoyed our day!

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