Our stay at Devil’s Lake RV Park, Lincoln City, has been a lovely restful time. We arrived in the pouring rain – and I MEAN POURING! – and it continued for most of the weekend. Driving around, we were intrigued to see Tsunami hazard warnings all over the place – even on the restroom door – enough to hasten the already necessary visit! It was a sobering reminder that tsunamis do not only happen in far-off lands, and we were intrigued to see how many houses are built right on the beach, despite the signs….I guess one just gets on with life, whatever it may hold.
Saturday morning we decided to brave the freezing wind and drizzle, and headed a few miles south, to Depoe Bay, where they were having a boat show and annual Crab Feast. The little harbor is very picturesque, and we made our way down the hill in the Crab Feast shuttle (the local cab-driver was running a voluntary free service down a steep hill to the harbor). And what a Feast it was – young and old, standing in line, we were not sure what to expect, and when our turn came it was certainly worth the wait!
A HUGE crab each, along with salad, garlic bread and coffee, fit for a king. The king may have blanched at being handed a plastic bib and a small hammer to beat the meal, but beat it we did, to crack the shell and reach the succulent meat within! Happy laughter and cheerful conversation with the locals, and lots of advice on the best way to extract the crab – what a wonderful, yummy experience!

Our last day here dawned sunny and warm, and we went for a long walk along the lake drive. It is really a beautiful place, and sitting here, beer in one hand and blog in the other, lighting up the barbecue for an early supper, we feel that life does not get much better than this.
1 comment:
Penny, You are really becoming an exoert 'Blogger'! Well done on an extremely interesting Blog - Thank you - Rob Marshall
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